Friday 16 January 2015

I'm going on a road trip!

I have my play list ready.  It says that it will last me for 3.2 days, I will only need 7 hours max. Actually less than that because near the end of the trip I will be able to get the good radio stations.

On the plus side of not having a job (ok so the lack of incoming money is a major downside but you've gotta think positive!) I can go house-hopping whenever I want!

I used to live in Brisbane so I have a few friends to visit.  I'll be away 1 week and staying with 2 different friends.  I'm hoping to catch up with at least 6 different friends in total (1 Canberra friend I just found out will be in Brisbane for a few days at the same time, how great is that!!!) and squeezing in a trip to my favourite Muscular Skeletal Therapist (similar-ish to a physio) to make everything move better.

I'm so excited!  First stop will be half way into the trip when I stop to get a yummy iced coffee from Zaraffas! That caffeine will get me the rest of the way.  I'm going to pick up friend #1 from her work so that I don't get lost on the way to her house (I'm reeeeeeally good at getting lost the first time I try to find places, on the plus side I can usually find them once I've been there before).  I will get to eat sushi which will be fabulous.  Not that I go really crazy with what I pick, I usually stick with the chicken ones, pretty sure I ate eel once.... I get to go to decent shops and look at clothes and shoes (notice I said "look"? Downside of being unemployed means that I have to behave and not buy...much). I get to watch Housewives of something-or-other and Vanderpump Rules (house #2 guilty pleasure after the little one falls asleep).  I will get to have lots of yummy coffees and Most importantly I get to visit my beautiful friends that I miss very much!

I'm sure the week will go soooo fast, too fast in fact.  I only just get back home and I'll be off again to play some indoor netball (for those non Aussies, its kinda like basketball only more contact) in another town.

Chat when I get back

Wednesday 14 January 2015

FMS Photo A Day Challenge (Fat Mum Slim)

As promised, here is the post about Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day Challenge.  I have attempted one of these FMS Photo A Day Challenges before so technically it isn't new to me but they're still fun!  Some days I'm really into it and thinking yeah this is great (landscapes, inanimate objects etc) other times I have no inspiration and just think why, why am I doing this?!

Into the 2nd week of the challenge now and I am actually up to date (we'll see how long that lasts, I sometimes upload 3 photos in 1 day to catch up). I may have gotten behind for a few days there when I wasn't feeling well, as in my ears were trying to explode every time I was vertical.  A day in bed reading seemed to fix that (and assisted me in my reading challenge, 1 book down, many to go).

If you're wondering how the FMS Photo A Day Challenge came about and how it works, check out Fat Mum Slim's Blog.  Basically a list will get sent out to you or pop up on her facebook page and you go about your business and snap a pic based on the word of the day.  You don't need to get too fancy or anything (just check out my snaps for proof of that) but it is fun and I think it makes you see the world around you just a little bit differently.

Post that pic on your instagram page with the #FMSphotoaday. I also share mine to my personal fb page so that my friends not doing the challenge can see the pic. If you search on that hashtag (using instagram) you will find all the other people who have joined in as well (check it out, the pics are inspiring).  I love yesterday's pic, my sis sent me a care package, she'd gone a little bit crazy at the T2 sales. I'm not complaining of course! I'm going to try out the Fruitalicious one today, it smells so yummy!

If anyone is looking for me I will be starting my poncho as my yarn arrived the other day, yes I'm a granny.

Thursday 8 January 2015

The I don't know what to write today blog....

Today I fully intended to finish a post I had half drafted about the fun Instagram Photo A Day Challenge that I am attempting again thanks to the Fat Mum Slim.  Well you know what they say about the best of intentions?

I like to include links in my blog as it is a pet hate of mine to go searching for a website/link when it could have easily been put right there for me to click on (ok, that sounds lazy, I like to think of it more as an efficient use of my time...while I'm procrastinating....).  So what happened today?  There is a technical issue with the blog that I was going to link to! So I'll hold off on that post and write a different one.  That led me to the "I don't know what to write today blog".

As you may have noticed my blog is a little bit about everything.  All the blog tips that I have read say that you should narrow down your niche and I have always used that as my excuse not to start.  This year I thought you know what? I don't care! I will just start my blog and maybe after a few months I will have more of an idea on what I want to write about.  I might narrow down my niche then or I might not, we'll just have to see where this little adventure takes us.

I realised yesterday that to complete the 2015 Reading Challenge I would actually have to open a book!  I was also a day behind on the FMS Photo A Day Challenge, eep!  So, 2 birds 1 stone and all that jazz I took my book and my phone and went to the lake to take a couple of shots and then read with no distractions for a little while.  It was a little on the hot side being summer in Australia but there was a light breeze and it was relatively quiet (a farmer was on his tractor nearby).  It was a nice little recharge and the clouds were really photogenic today don't you think?

After 45minutes I came home and got to writing this post. I feel very productive now and will continue being productive until it is time for dinner and a girly movie at a friends house (with popcorn of course).

Have a great Friday/Weekend everyone!


Tuesday 6 January 2015

My 2015 Reading Challenge

2015 aka Year of the New, in this case, new books to read!

Back when I was drafting my 2015 New Years Resolutions list, I came across the 2015 Reading Challenge from Popsugar. I love being transported to a different time and place to meet fabulous new people, even if it is only in my head and yes, I will admit to that feeling of complete loss when finishing a really good book, how will I go on with my life without you?!  I originally thought that reading isn't really a challenge for me, this should be easy.... then I looked at the list and thought that it will definitely take me out of my reading comfort zone.

I may need help with the romance books as they're not typically a topic that I read (yeah I'm pretty much a sci fi/fantasy kinda gal).  Might have to come back to this article "12 Romance Books for People Who Hate Romance Novels" or I could use the Goodreads flowchart that I found on pinterest  There is definitely no shortage of books that have become movies lately so that won't be an issue.  This article could be helpful for the thrillers.  I may need someone to hold my hand while I'm reading, not into scaring myself. 

I'm getting ahead of myself though.  Perhaps I should just take it one book at a time, from the top so that I don't confuse myself.

First book challenge: "A book with more than 500 pages".  I have "Magician's End" by Raymond E. Feist that comes in at 638 pages waiting for me.  I'm a Feist fan, I have been reading this series for years and feel very comfortable within the pages.

Feel free to join me, comment with your first book choice if you do.


Saturday 3 January 2015

The 2015 New Years Resolution Recap

In my first ever post I promised that I would attempt a New Years Resolution this year.  I can't even remember the last time I had 1 New Years Resolution let alone a whole list!  How did everyone else go creating their New Years Resolutions?   As you can see I went with the print out from Hitha on the Go to make it even easier.  I will admit it was still challenging, sometimes I wanted to put more in others, less!

It could be a slightly bad omen that at the top of my list is a bad habit that I am pretty sure I will never break.  I am so good at procrastination that I would almost classify it as talent.  I have higher hopes for the rest of the list.  

I have found some free sites who claim to be able to teach you basic coding (please comment if you have any suggestions for me) so fingers crossed for that one.

Do I need to explain Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock?? Really?  Join his 8 million twitter followers or check him out on facebook and make up your own mind.  He is an excellent example of a human being and I think everyone would benefit from trying to be a little more like him.

My house currently has 4 rescued cats (and a guinea pig).  Well technically we didn't actually rescue them, they just showed up on our doorstop and never left.  There are currently 7 new kitties (that we unfortunately don't have room for) that are in need of re-homing. I'm hoping that this is one goal that I will be able to complete quickly.

The rest are pretty simple, no explanation needed.  I started Yoga in 2014 and would like to get better at it (I'm really pretty bad, plenty of room for improvement there).  Oh, and new food, I'm into fairly plain food but a friend of mine has her very own new project for 2015 called "The Nutrition Bar Project" so I will definitely be trying something new there.

And just in case you need more inspiration for your very own New Years Resolution (its not too late, its only January!) I have been busy pinning over on my Pinterest page for the more visually motivated.  Maybe you could use a pinterest board for your resolutions?  Leave a link in the comments if you do!

Good luck!

Claire #2015Goals

Thursday 1 January 2015

Well hello 2015!

2015 is going to be a year of many new beginnings for me.  My job was made redundant just before Christmas (Merry Christmas to me) so that means the job search begins again.  I really don't look forward to the prospect of job hunting in a small town again, it really isn't fun.  I will attempt to remain positive and see how I go.

Sticking with the theme of new beginnings;

First new thing for 2015 is *drum roll please* start a blog.  A blog on what?  That is still a bit of a work in progress, but I thought what better way to start off than with a post on new years resolutions (wow, first day of the new year and already 2 new things done!). 

Back Story:  I'm really not one for New Years Eve or Resolutions. Yes that might sound strange to some, yes I did go out last night (when your friend says "Mum just offered to babysit so we could go out for dinner" you can't really knock that back) but I was in pyjamas by 10:30pm and in bed asleep by the time midnight rolled around. 

Its not that I'm too old either, I really disliked it in my younger years too. I understood the concept while I was in school as the new year meant new beginnings with a new year of school (in Australia we go from Jan to Dec) but after I left school and was out "in the real world" I just couldn't get into it. I do usually enjoy myself whatever I'm doing, I just don't get what the fuss is about or why this night out is so different to others (enlighten me if you do, maybe I'm just looking at it wrong!)

So, back to New Years Resolutions.  Like I said I'm not usually one for resolutions, usually because I'm not so great at thinking them up (or the whole following them through thing).  But then I came across a blog and, well, I got inspired.

Hitha on the Go has a great list, she even has a printable version (I think I will print it out and keep it in my diary, note to self, use diary).

Then I thought, I wonder what else is out there? So I consulted my old friend Mr Google.

The Wilderness Society has one here.  I like it, simple, do-able and something that will make me get out and about (anyone else guilty of not going outside enough?  In my defence I am a redhead so anything outside comes with its own dangers).

Any other Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day people out there?  Not really a resolution but, something new and interesting to try.  Check out the lists here.  I've done it a couple of times before, it is challenging but also fun.

I haven't quite finished my resolution list yet, (hey, I did say that it has been awhile since I had one, give me time!) I promise to complete it and will post an update later!

PS If you have any suggestions or have stumbled across some good websites with resolution tips please let me know!